Friday, August 20, 2010

Supreme Badness: A Primer

As many of you know, I believe that the worst song on earth has already been created and lives quietly among us on Youtube and twelve-year-old girls' iPods, going by the alias of "Sneakernight."

This song (and accompanying music video) has so long been the standard of supreme badness to me ("Basically what we're gonna do is dance! Basically what we're gonna do is dance!") that other bad music videos seem masterful by comparison. In fact, I can really get into an overdone music video. However my tolerance for this was pushed to its limit by Ciara's new video*:

The entire video is premised on the irony that Ciara is singing "ride the beat" when she is clearly pantomiming the riding of something else. The makers of this video worried that this dramaturgical technique might be lost on some viewers. Ultimately Ciara has to ride a mechanical bull in a soaking white shirt, while the video director stands behind her screaming, "IT MEANS RIDE IN A SEXUAL WAY!"

It reminded me of the great cinematic tradition of overdone videos, and I began to wonder: if Sneakernight is undisputably the worst video of all time, what's the most overdone? I know one that might give "Ride" some competition...

The best comment underneath this video reads: "cher is an amazing singer. We need more singers like her and not songs that we have right now like rap." Ummmmmmmmm.

*In the interest of maintaining blogger integrity, I hereby confess that I am a Ciara fan.

1 comment:

  1. This post made me laugh embarrassedly (sneakernight), question in horror (ride) and feel an emotion that I didn't know I could feel, a mix between hilarity, sadness, offense, and pure wonderment (half breed).

    I feel wiser.

