The Top Three Things On My Mind are as follows.
1) I was talking to someone in my program about “research” for the topics we want to write about -- that is, if you want to write a memoir about traveling, you’d read as many travel memoirs as you could and get a sense of the genre. I have discovered in my research that the “funeral home lit” genre is sparse. So I expanded into cinema and here’s what I came up with:

2) Today I asked myself the question, "What would I do to be able to travel back and time and be one of Otis Redding’s back up dancers?"
"I would kill a man" was not a good enough answer for me, so I turned to my favorite source of information about the limits of human depravity...the website “What Would You Do to Get With Justin Bieber?” IT HAS BEEN (TRAGICALLY) (AND HILARIOUSLY) DELETED! I guess comments like "I would bake my arm in the oven until it was as crispy as chicken then eat it" was just too much for people.
3) I keep thinking maybe I could use this blog to write enlightening book reviews or share some social commentary but then I realize I just want to be able to tell you all stories like this one, i.e. a recent example of the game of Telephone that is my mind: I once read a review of a “sodomy memoir” (what…that’s not an established genre?) by a former ballerina about how anal sex had taught her to let go and get closer to God. The memoir’s title was Surrender. Later, when I was trying to remember this title to tell someone about it, I remembered that “it was one word, and it had some spiritual double meaning…like, Filled.” WOMP WOMP WOOOOMP.