Sunday, November 21, 2010

Rave Reviews

Some recent reviews of the OverCher include:

"you are a far more sophisticated and edgy author now. i hope you have reached the point where you wear your lingerie over your clothes"
- International Harpist and Tea Drinker J.Nates

"your blog is the sole source of my entertainment in medical school."
- Medical Genius Ellie N.!

"i am already fiending for you to write a new blog post."
- Revolutionary Fashionista T.Tucker

And my personal favorite...
"I really appreciated the post you wrote about doing unscrupulous things in order to become otis redding's backup dancer. this is because one of the questions I think about in quiet moments is "what would I do to be a Pip?"
- Award-Winning Harvard-Educated Gentleman

To celebrate this and my new move across town (yes! i will even take pictures!), The OverCher is having a CONTEST!!! How to enter:

1) Comment on this post with your email and a poem. That's right...haiku or limerick preferred. Or free verse. One line is OK. We're all about experimentation here.

2) I will random-number-select the winner!

The Prize will be a real live care package that comes in the mail! It will most likely include poems, cookies and wee books. And I will interview you and post a verbal portrait of you that is entirely flattering. HOW CAN YOU REFUSE?


  1. i have been staring at this post for well over 20 minutes trying to think of something witty.

    ...i will be back!


  2. i have never wanted to win something so badly.
    but i can't think of anything. maybe if i go to sleep sometime this week.

    hey, i was reading a couple of posts back and I don't think you should la roux your hair because of one reason: i am so in love with her (in fact, m'dear, i have met her) that you risk me driving down to virginia and doing things that would destroy our friendship.


  3. also, someone the other day told me my spirit animal is cher, because I have a theory that every song can be improved if you sing it like cher. i thought of you and i silently thought to myself: i am stealing mc's spirit animal! this is so badass!

  4. every song CAN be improved if you sing it like cher! just ask christian! he loves it when i cover soul classics in my cher voice. really. LOVES IT.

  5. I must win this Over-Cher contest
    so after I may be rightly blest
    with many wee books
    and covetous looks
    from Choo as she then waxes impressed.

    Yeahhh this contest just makes me love this blog even more. I didn't think it was possible. My boyfriend is getting jealous. As you are facebook friendz with me, I will abstain from putting my email up here.

  6. trip to the gato
    waltz down memory lane
    all the same regulars
    the twilight zone! that trip was insane
    your mixes are still playing
    baristas still sashaying
    but their moves need improvement,
    this new crop of youngins
    no soulja boy dance,
    just a new london fog drank
    still red and still cat
    still home and yet not
    new mugs and old mugs
    reunions and group hugs
    saw gatoh sevens, oh sixes, oh eights and oh nines
    but my gato twenty-ten,
    the search ended poorly:
    no MC in cambridge,
    now what's that about?
    next time, dear, next time,
    we'll work it all out.
    for now just a little hello
    (or a long one at that)
    to say your blog is pretty fly!
    red cats are good at that.


  7. um you should try alejandro by lady gaga sung by cher. it's my favorite so far.

  8. Cherish this moment
    when the omelette flips over,
    not hitting the floor.

    Nobody but Cher
    would care.

    Cat Burton

  9. When I read this there's one thing I knew:
    I had no idea what to do.
    I'm still stumped, but oh,
    there's one thing I know:
    I'll be searching for tomorrow on the loo!

    (you have to kinda squish the last line. sorry!)


  10. 'kelly'

    bowl of water
    bowl of nuts
    somebody else's brownies.
