Friday, November 5, 2010

The Writing Life: Typo Edition

Sometimes when I am writing very seriously and studiously, I begin typing random memories or events and, upon cracking myself up, type "Hahahaha" afterwards. So that I can have an official record of the extent to which I crack myself up. You might take this as an illustration of the deep-seated psychological effects of writerly solitude,

but then you would be a hater.

The point of all this is that I was typing something about this tea we used to have at my house which was ingeniously called

After typing this, I wrote "For THAT kind of move. Hahahaha." (Yes. My writing today is brought to you by my 2nd-grade self. She may be immature but she has fabulous stirrup leggings.) My computer then auto-fixed this word to "Hashanah." Which suddenly made me seem very serious about Smooth Move. Which I am. Hashanah.

1 comment:

  1. A picture of Jack Nicholson a la The Shining is not a very comforting thing to see on anyone's blog re: their writing life.

    However, you are as hilarious as always, so I trust you have some play mixed in with your work. Good. :)
